Saturday, May 14, 2011


So, after watching way too many infomercials, we decided to order P90X.  If you haven't seen the commercials, look it up.  It's a 90 day exercise and diet program that is supposed to get you in the best shape of your life.  I'm turning 30 this year and I was definitely not in the best shape.  Sure, I could run 20 miles a week and do a little lifting at the gym, but I was not happy with my general state of flabbiness.  Oh, to be 21 again.

Anyhoodle, I was super skeptical about the program, but we decided to take the plunge anyway. The diet plan is no joke.  I am pretty much starving everyday.  That's not entirely true, but for a carb lover like me, limiting me to one carb and one fruit a day is like torture.  We've been as faithful to the plan as we can (and boy, did we see an increase in our grocery bill) and have followed the workout program to the T.  We are now two weeks in and I gotta say, I am no longer a skeptic.  This thing works.

All of the sake of accountability, regardless of the level of embarrassment, I'm going to share my before photos and my two week photos.  Mind you, we're only 1/6 of the way through the program.  I'm really excited to see how fit we can get.

Before:  flabby, flab, flab, flab.  Running was doing fantastic things for my cardivascular system (resting heart rate of 52), but it wasn't really doing much for my physique. 

And after 2 weeks of working out with Tony Horton:

I think I can see a small difference.  Hopefully, the results will be a lot more drastic at the end of the program.

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