Sunday, April 17, 2011

At Least It Looks Like Spring Somewhere...

So, it's still terribly cold and depressing here in Buffalo.  I saw snowflakes today.  Enough said.  Instead of feeling sorry for ourselves, we packed up some lunch and drove to the Botanical Gardens.  It was so warm and lovely, I was almost able to forget my frozen surroundings.

We packed our lunches in some of my creations.

Cora really liked her "lunch purse."

She couldn't wait to eat her sandwich, though.  She was hungry.

The Gardens.

My two favorite people.

Cora got to meet the Easter Bunny.   She ran right up to that thing.  She also was completely fearless when it came to Santa this year.  I was kind of hoping she'd retain a healthy fear of strange men playing dress-up.

Some pretty pictures.

She was all smiles with Daddy and the Easter Bunny, but would she pose with me?  The answer is no.

We bought a family membership (50% off, courtesy of Groupon...score!), so we'll definitely be heading back.  They have a children's garden in the summer months and I think Cora will dig it.  Get it?  Garden?  Dig it?  Yeah, I'm hilarious.

Friday, April 15, 2011

The New 'Do

In a moment of complete insanity, I decided to chop off all of my hair.  All of it.  I feel like a boy.  Ben assures me that I don't look boy-ish at all, but he has to say that.  I think it was included in the marriage vows.

I still have moments of "what was I thinking!" but I'm getting used to it.  It's just hair.  As long as no one says, "excuse me, sir" I think I'll be okay.

Road Trip!

Well, being stuck at home with pink eye comes with some perks, pain and complete disgustingness aside.  Mainly, catching up on housework and updating this blog. 

As some of you know, Cora and I went on a road trip this past weekend.  We drove down to Alexandria, VA and back to visit April, Matt, Lucinda, and Malcolm.  Holy crap, those kiddos are so cute, they make my ovaries ache.  Cora and I had a great time visiting.  And I have to brag a little - apart from a few minor, completely normal moments of preschool sassiness, Cora was just amazing!  Imagine 8 straight hours in a car with a nearly 4 year old that won't sleep.  Sounds like an inner circle of hell, right?  Wrong!  She was awesome.  Which makes me feel like maybe I'm a little bit awesome, because that kind of awesomeness has to come from somewhere, right? 

Anyway, here she is ready to hit the road on Thursday with a special treat.

Does this kid look like she's ready to sleep?  While sharing a hotel room for three nights, I discovered that she sings in her sleep.  Needless to say, I didn't get a lot of sleep, but it certainly made me smile.

She's ready to see those babies!!!

Cora insisted that she wear the robe that was in the room (the Westin Alexandria is awesome, by the by) and then pose for pictures.


She loved Old Town Alexandria.  She kept saying, "this is such a beautiful place!"  I even took her to our old neighborhood in Rockville.  We got out of the car and she yelled out, "there's no snow here!!!"  Exactly, babe.  Exactly. 

Cora also loves the wind in her hair.  Even when we're traveling 75 on the interstate.  She also likes the wind in her toes...

After a whirlwind weekend, we got back home on Sunday.  I must say, I am not a bit nervous about taking another road trip in the future.  We're planning on visiting family in Indiana in June and I can't wait. 

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Crayon Roll

Maybe we're just brutes, but around here our crayon boxes end up a total mess.  The top rips off and it gets all wonky and ugly.  In the past, I've just tossed the crayons into some sort of basket or bucket, but I hate having to dig through to find the color I want...I mean, the color Cora wants.

Perfect solution - a crayon roll!  I can't claim credit for this idea.  I've seen it on a couple of different sites and found instructions at  Since Cora and I are headed out on a long road trip, I thought this might come in handy.


And this is what it looks like all rolled up.

My Cora takes her art very seriously.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Crafts with Kristi

Can I just tell you that I'm in love with my sewing machine?  Ok, I'm in love with my sewing machine.  The reviews are in and  I've been having so much fun with it.  My only complaint, and this is about sewing in general, is that Cora can't really help much.  I love that she can help me when I bake.  But needles and pins and scissors...oh my.

Anyway, here are some of my newest creations. 

These are some more lined bags, one with a gusset bottom.  I'm using that one for a makeup bag, but I need to figure out a closure of some sort.  As suspected, the fuseable velcro was a bust.  I need some snaps or I need to learn to sew zippers.  I'm scared of zippers.

This is just a little tote that I made using only one fat quarter (which I picked up for around $1 - score!).  I love fat quarters, just wish the store carried a bit more variety in fabric and texture.  There are some lovely online stores, though...just don't tell Ben!

The red print fabric is another fat quarter.  The lining is some old fabric that I've had for years and finally decided to use. 

Check it out - it's reversible!

These next two were my first attempts at bags.  The cow print is for groceries and the blue flowers works great as a library tote.

And this is the one I'm most proud of so far because it has pockets.  Lots of pockets.  The next time I make this pattern, I'm going to do two things differently:  1) I'm going to make it bigger and 2) I'm going to use interfacing to give it some heft.  This thing is a bit flimsy. 

I love the fabric.

What kinds of crafts do you like to do?  I used to be super into scrapbooking and I really, really need to bring that stuff out again.  Cora is turning 4 in less than 2 months but according to my scrapbooks, she's perpetually 9 months.  Oy vey, that's a lot of catching up to do.

Well, that's it for this post.  Cora woke me up at 5:30 a.m. again and I can see the bottom of this coffee cup.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Random Weekend Randomness

We had a fantastic weekend here at the Ahlstrom homestead.  One of those "no real plans, just go with the flow" kind of weekends.  Those are the best kind.

What do you want to do today Cora?

I want a chocolate doughnut!  That's as big as my head!  With sprinkles!!

And then I want Daddy to give me a pedicure!

Rainbow toenails!

Let's see...then I want to put on a princess dress and twirl around the house.  And go for a spin on my princess car.

The weather even cooperated enough for some outdoor play.  From pretty, pretty princess to top-notch athlete in one day.

Duke even got in on the action.

Alas, it is now Monday.  The weekend is but a memory and the work week has begun.  Next weekend, Cora and I have a big trip planned to visit April and Matt and the new additions:  Malcolm and Lucy!!!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Aprons, Aprons, Aprons

How many aprons does one gal need?  I have a sneaking suspicion that the majority of responses would be somewhere between 1 and 0.  As for me?  I love them!  But the cute, retro-styled ones are a tad pricey.  Shoot, I can't even spend the $14 on one at TJ Maxx.  In fact, the one apron that I owned before I started making my own was a gift.  But oh, how I coveted...

Enter my trusty sewing machine and the wonder that is the internet and, boom, I'm flush with aprons with plans to make many, many more.  I love them.  I love the cute fabric that is all mine for the picking (and the coupons that let me get them all for 25% off this weekend), I love that I can whip one up in less than a couple of hours, and I love the feeling of pride and accomplishment that comes with making something with your own two hands.

So, without further ado, my masterpieces.  Please keep all comments positive - I'm a newbie and, remember, I'm feeling proud and accomplished.  Don't burst my bubble.

I just fell in love with this fabric as soon as I saw it.

This print actually has little chocolates on it.  How perfect for a baker!  That loves to stuff her face full of chocolate!

This one has a cute cupcake pattern and a fold-up, double pocket style (think gardening apron).  Cora grabbed it and said, "I want to be a cupcake maker!"  I quickly agreed because, dang, she looked cute, but she refused to comply with my requests for a photo.  This is the best I could do.  Which is crazy, because this kid normally strikes a pose.

As promised, I have a lot of fabric and aprons on the brain, so watch for more.  Coming soon, I will hopefully gather my courage and my measuring tape and start on some dresses for Cora.  Fingers crossed that she'll model them for me.

Fun with Playdoh!

I'm always a little hesitant to break out the Playdoh when Cora asks for it.  She loves it and has a lot of fun, but it's messy.  Little pieces end up on the floor and, inevitably, someone steps on it and it gets rubbed into the carpet.  Plus, our dog is a bit of an idiot and he'll eat it. 

So, last night, with a little trepidation and a lot of carpet cleaner on hand, we broke out the Playdoh and went to town. 

Daddy loves to play, too.  Sometimes I wonder which kid has the most fun.

Mom, why do you have to shove that thing in my face all the time?

Hard at work!

Our wonderful creations.

You know, after a long day at work dealing with a bunch of supposed adults that behave a lot like spoiled adolescents, it's so refreshing to come home and lose myself in mounds of messy Playdoh with my very own, super cool kid.  Cora had so much fun and we shared great, distraction-free time as a family, something that unfortunately seems to be in short supply due to work schedules.  So, I've turned over a new leaf, a "who cares about a little mess" kind of leaf.  I have some baking to do this weekend...maybe I'll let Cora do what she's been asking to do for months.  "Mommy, can I crack those eggs?!?!?"