Sunday, April 17, 2011

At Least It Looks Like Spring Somewhere...

So, it's still terribly cold and depressing here in Buffalo.  I saw snowflakes today.  Enough said.  Instead of feeling sorry for ourselves, we packed up some lunch and drove to the Botanical Gardens.  It was so warm and lovely, I was almost able to forget my frozen surroundings.

We packed our lunches in some of my creations.

Cora really liked her "lunch purse."

She couldn't wait to eat her sandwich, though.  She was hungry.

The Gardens.

My two favorite people.

Cora got to meet the Easter Bunny.   She ran right up to that thing.  She also was completely fearless when it came to Santa this year.  I was kind of hoping she'd retain a healthy fear of strange men playing dress-up.

Some pretty pictures.

She was all smiles with Daddy and the Easter Bunny, but would she pose with me?  The answer is no.

We bought a family membership (50% off, courtesy of Groupon...score!), so we'll definitely be heading back.  They have a children's garden in the summer months and I think Cora will dig it.  Get it?  Garden?  Dig it?  Yeah, I'm hilarious.

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